Title: Painting By Wind



Artist: Charis Pang Wai Yue   藝術家: 彭慧瑜
Description: Robotic painting system driven by wind intensity and direction   描述: 機械繪畫系統,由風向及風速操控
Technologies: Programming, robotics, video, repurposed auto spray system   採納技術: 電腦程式、機械、視像、改裝自動噴灑系統
Scientific data visualization takes the chaos and force of nature and reduces it to clean numbers that are often presented as dry statistics and charts. This artwork takes those statistics and returns them to a chaotic form, a flinging of paint powered by wind direction and speed. By contrasting the paintings created by Mojave and Hong Kong wind data, an alternative way of experiencing the environment is revealed that may be truer to the emotion of natural forces.   在科學上,常將自然界的混沌與力量簡化成清晰的數字,再以毫無感情的表格及數據方式呈現。本作品將數據還原成混沌狀態,讓風速與風向控制顏料的潑灑。而通過比較莫哈韋沙漠與香港所創造的圖畫,我們發現另類體驗環境的方式,能更忠於自然力量的情緒。
Hacking a car water spraying system and controlling it with arduino and processing, the artist uses real-time wind direction and speed data from the Mojave Desert and Hong Kong to change the force and color of the painting system. The system design references sundials and desert petro glyphs and includes sounds recorded in Banshee Canyon in the Mojave and Ngong Ping in Hong Kong.   改裝汽車噴水系統,利用arduino及運算平台操控,藝術家利用從莫哈韋沙漠與香港所得的風向與風速數據操控繪畫系統的噴灑力度與顏色。系統設計從日晷與沙漠石刻中獲取靈感,並包括在莫哈韋沙漠女妖山谷(Banshee Canyon)與香港昂坪所錄取的音效。
Artist Statement:
“’The wind gave our children the spirit of life’ (Native American expression). The climate of the Mojave Desert varies greatly within a single day. Therefore, it is an ideal location to observe how animals and plants adapt to extreme environmental conditions. It is a good experiment and exploration in my life.” Charis Pang Wai Yue



Thank yous:
Scott Hessels, Romie Littrell, Steve Ounanian
, Oscar Au Kin Chung Oscar
, Gary James Stilwell
, Pang Chui Yip
, Chiu Hing Wing
, Kinsun Tung Kin Sun, 
Hanton Yang Xiantao and Joe
Lam Ho Ming


Scott Hessels、Romie Littrell、Steve Ounanian、區建忠、 Gary James Stilwell、 彭俊業